Signals Station

The Signals Station server is connected to several exchanges simultaneously and stores trading quotes and charts.
The automatic Trading Systems work is provided on the basis of received data.
Trading Systems
The InstantCharts service supports manual and automatic trading on the Spot market and contains trading systems:
  • Ultimate Trading System - Automatic Trading System. Trading signals: Buy, Exit, Scalp, Limit, Stop.
  • Market Scanner - Pattern Scanner. Trading signals: Buy, Short Sell
  • Direct Trading System - Trend trading system based on trading volatility. Trading signals: Buy, Exit
  • Osc Trading System - Counter trend trading system based on Oscillators. Trading signals: Buy, Exit
  • TrendLine Trading System - Trend trading system based on Trend Lines. Trading signals: Buy, Exit
A Trader is able to choose and create a subscription for trading signals based on his trading preferences. Detailed information about trading strategies, conditions of their implementation and use can be found in the InstantCharts application in the [Setup: Help] section.
Trading signals are received in the InstantCharts trading terminal and displayed on charts. Additionally, a Trader has an opportunity to duplicate trading signals to the Telegram messenger.

Before using the Trading Systems, a Trader sets one of 3 modes of operation:
  1. Manual mode - Trading signals are received in Trading Terminal. After analyzing them on the chart, the order to open and close Positions is made by the Trader.
  2. Semi-automatic mode - Trading signals are received in Trading Terminal. The Orders to open Positions are made by Signals Station, the orders to close Positions are made by the Trader.
  3. Automatic mode - Trading signals are received in Trading Terminal. The Orders to open and close positions are made by Signals Station
  4. .
The Signals Station structure and control elements are presented in the diagram.
Service InstantCharts